
Who Am I?

CannaLean Biotechs Ltd., Israel

Founded in 2017, is a company committed to the research and development of a novel proprietary formulation of Cannabidiol (CBD) and Chitosan that will potentially benefit millions of patients suffering from Dyslipidemia.

CannaLean Biotechs Ltd., founded in 2017 and headquartered in Israel,
CannaLean has established an active partnership with our main shareholders:

  • Mor Research Applications, the tech transfer company of CLALIT HEALTH SERVICES,
  • CLALIT HEALTH SERVICES is the largest HMO in Israel, with over 4.5M members, (14 full-scale hospitals specializing in all fields of medicine, as well as over 2000 community clinics with over 9000 employed physicians).

CannaLean Biotechs Ltd.

14-18 Hirsh St. Bnei-Brak,

Phone: (972) 3 617-6173
Fax: (972) 3 617-6647
