CannaLean Biotechs - The Team
Mr. David Bassa - CEO
Mr. Bassa is the CEO and co-founder of SELA, the leading Israeli knowledge center for high-tech and IT industry since 1990.
Mr. Bassa is also one of the founders and stakeholders in XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd, (NASDAQ:XTLB), the founder of Talent Biotech and many more startups in the Biotech industry.
Twice awarded with the President Excellency Award for serving the community and managed the Israeli branch of AIESEC organization where he got the hall of fame award.
Mr. Bassa holds a B.A in economics and a M.Sc. in Computer Science.

Mr. Ofer Alshech – CFO
An experienced CFO in Public and Private, Multi-Millions & Start-Ups companies with strong organizational skills and extensive experience in financial management. Ofer has vast experience in fundraising from private equity, private investors and IPO. Ofer has deep understanding of business drivers, risks & opportunities. For the last 8 years Ofer served as CFO at “Reshet 13” .

Mr. Guy Defrin – COO
As an experienced COO Guy also Serves as the active COO of Stero Biotechs, CannaMore Biotechs, the biotech startup accelerator BioSeedXL and more companies in the pharmaceuticals and Cannabis fields.
Graduated B.Sc. in Biology and life science at Tel Aviv University with specialty in biochemistry research.

Prof. Moshe Mittelman – CSO
Prof. Mittelman served as Chairman, Department of Medicine and a Hematology Consultant at the Tel Aviv Sourasky (Ichilov) Medical Center (TASMC). He is also a Professor of Medicine at Sackler School of Medicine (SSM), Tel Aviv University (TAU). A graduate of SSM he was trained in medicine and hematology in Israel and the US (at NIH). Moshe has served in the National Health Basket Committee (2008-10), and is hematology consultant for MOH, and President, Israel Society of Hematology. As an experienced biotech consultant, he is now Chief Medical Officer at the CannaDu investment fund, the biotech and Cannabis startup accelerator BioSeedXL and various startups in the biotech and medical fields.

Dr. Sari Sagiv – CTO
Dr Sagiv brings over 20 years of proven management experience in the fields of clinical development, business development, marketing and intellectual property from the bio-tech and high-tech industries.
Dr. Sagiv also manages the pharma and diagnostics department at Mor Research Applications, the Technology Transfer unit of ‘CLALIT’ Health Services.
Dr. Sagiv holds a PhD in immunology and an MBA from Tel Aviv University.